
What's Telehealth all about?

What is telehealth?

Telehealth, also called online, virtual or E-counselling, are forms of counselling done using technology, normally through video chat or talking over the phone.  

How does it work?

Our secure video-conference platform “Jane” will be used for video chats; it's compliant with Canada’s privacy laws surrounding online counselling to ensure your safety.  It is easy for people wishing to access sessions through video chat to get set up- you can schedule an appointment directly online through the client portal if you wish, and then you just click on a link to the secure chat room which will be sent when an appointment is booked.  If you prefer to speak over the phone or text, I will contact you using an encrypted phone number for enhanced security.  All that’s required is a smartphone or laptop/computer/tablet with video and an internet connection.

Is it effective?

Yes! Telehealth has become more common as an easy way to access help and it's found to be as effective as traditional in-person counselling for many mental health challenges

A photo of an asian women in her mid 20s in front of her laptop, receiving online therapy. She looks hopeful and potrays a feeling of being supported by whom she is talking to on the screen.

Benefits of Virtual Counselling?

A photo of a young latino looking at his cell phone, accessing virtual counselling services. He looks upset and like he needs someone to talk to.

Drawbacks of Online Counselling?

If there are any further questions or concerns that have not been answered above, please feel free to reach out and we can discuss more about what would be the most appropriate fit for you to access support at this time.

A young black women in her early 20's who is looking at her laptop smiling. She has recently connected with a virtual counsellor who is helping her feel better through a difficult time.